How Wirepas Mesh redefines industrial IoT - Wirepas

Break free from the infrastructure trap: How Wirepas Mesh redefines industrial IoT

Nick Dutton

We know a thing or two about the challenges of large-scale commercial and industrial IoT networks. Unlike in consumer applications, the installation, maintenance, and downtime can cost businesses millions of dollars in lost revenue or disruption. Therefore, choosing the right technology is crucial to the success of the business. And we’ve made sure that choice is easy.  

Why choosing the right technology matters 

Wirepas Mesh is the first wireless networking solution architected solely for commercial and industrial IoT, such as smart cities, Industry 4.0, and smart retail applications. It is hardened against typical issues and remains operational even in the most demanding conditions where other systems fail, whether due to heavy RF interference, infrastructure breakdowns, or a lack of a stable power source. 

 Rethinking network architecture 

In any network, a message is passed from one device to another until it reaches its destination. This is usually a star, or star-of-stars type architecture. Additionally, in traditional wireless networks, all nodes share a common frequency. A Wirepas network offers an alternative solution to these rudimentary architectural decisions. 


Sharing a common frequency may result in a choked RF spectrum when every node shouts its data. This causes an avalanche of data that could have reached its destination with less communication. Wirepas also doesn’t depend on border routers that might lead to the loss of many connected devices if the equipment fails or the intermittent loss of devices on the fringe of connectivity. Wirepas RF mesh is made differently. 

Infrastructure-free, self-healing networks 

Wirepas Mesh is a civilized network where nodes work together to ensure there is always a reliable pathway to the gateway. Should a node be turned off, the network self-heals by reorganizing itself on the fly. And if the gateway is turned off, a Wirepas network will use an alternative since Wirepas networks can support multiple gateways. 

This arrangement means that network owners don’t have to make compromises. No compromises on where infrastructure is installed. No compromises on when to schedule disruptive periodic maintenance. No compromises if factory floors need a change in layout. Why? Because there’s no infrastructure. 

The unique robustness of Wirepas can also be attributed to its frequency agility scheme. When most wireless networks are installed, the IT manager performs a site survey and determines the “best” frequency for the site. In a Wirepas network, each link is evaluated automatically. Individual nodes and their neighbors negotiate their own frequencies. This allows for much more optimal channel selection at a more localized level. The nodes will reassess and shift to more optimized frequencies as new interferers are introduced. 

As nodes optimize their frequency selection, they can minimize their transmit powers to reduce overall energy use. Low power enables the use of batteries that can operate for several years. Nodes in a Wirepas Mesh can exist in locations that lack other power sources. Every node is a repeater/router. Simply adding a battery-powered temp sensor or a room occupancy sensor will unlock those hard-to-reach areas, even in buildings that may be “off-limits” to other network infrastructures. 

Wirepas thrives in densely populated networks where RF interference is commonplace. While Wirepas capabilities bringi reliability and robustness in the sub-GHz and 2.4 GHz bands, Wirepas is also available on the global NR+ 1.9 GHz band for Massive Machine-Type Communications (mMTC) and Ultra-Reliable & Low Latency Communications (URLLC). This is a major disruptor in the market, opening a new greenfield band for industrial IoT that is subscription-free, unlike cellular—the only other solution that can address the truly massive scale of industrial IoT. But not at all at the same total cost. 

Why Visit the Wirepas Booth at Embedded World North America?

Our experts look forward to meeting you at Embedded World North America, booth #1953. October 8-10, 2024 in Austin, Texas.

Live Demonstrations: See our Wirepas Mesh technology in action! Our live demos will showcase how effortlessly our network operates, maintaining connectivity even in the most challenging conditions.

Expert Insights: Speak directly with our team of experts who are ready to discuss how Wirepas Mesh can transform your operations. Whether you’re dealing with industrial communications or managing a smart city infrastructure, we have insights that can lead to substantial improvements.

Innovative Solutions: Learn about our unique approach to wireless networking, which avoids the congestion of common RF channels and allows each node in the network to dynamically negotiate its frequency. This results in a more reliable, efficient network that uses less power and reduces operational costs.

Strategic Partnerships: Meet some of our industry partners, who will share how they’ve leveraged Wirepas technology into their solutions. Discover the potential for collaboration and integration into your own applications.

Future Technologies: Get a sneak peek at our latest advancements, including our expansion into the global NR+ 1.9 GHz band. This new development is set to revolutionize Industrial IoT with a subscription-free, massively scalable option that’s optimized for ultra-reliable and low latency communications.

Book a meeting with Alan or Nick at Embedded World

Alan Sillito


Nick Dutton

Strategic partners, Smart tracking & Smart building, USA

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