Wirepas Network Management System - Wirepas

Wirepas Network Management System

Wirepas Network Management System (NMS) is a next-generation tool for monitoring and managing Wirepas Mesh networks, ensuring seamless operation and maintenance throughout the network's lifecycle. Wirepas NMS provides a web-based user interface on a scalable cloud based back-end system. Gain unparalleled control and insights into your networks. With ultra-reliability and efficiency at scale. Included in the Wirepas 5G Mesh license.

Enhanced network management and performance


Wirepas NMS is engineered to handle networks with millions of nodes. Ensuring robust performance and reliability as the network expands. This scalability is crucial for large-scale deployments, providing seamless operation. 

Network monitoring on maps

Interactive visualization tools allow you to monitor your entire network on an interactive map. Get real-time insights into network status and performance across different regions. Better planning. Better resource management.  

Traffic and reliability analytics/Improve mesh performance

Analyze the health of your network. Identify areas with connectivity issues and network density problems. Pinpoint faulty devices. Ultimately, improve Service Level Agreements (SLA) by addressing performance bottlenecks early.  

Prioritize Maintenance

Wirepas NMS helps you prioritize maintenance tasks by highlighting areas needing immediate attention, thus preventing issues from escalating.  

Over-the-Air software updates

Plan and execute controlled Over-the-Air (OTAP) software updates area by area. Minimal disruption and maintaining network integrity during updates.  

Supported by Wirepas 5G Mesh and Mesh Sub-GHz

Wirepas NMS is built on Wirepas 5G Mesh and Wirepas Mesh Sub-GHz, both part of the Wirepas Connectivity Suite portfolio. The Wirepas 5G Mesh, using the new non-cellular 5G standard NR+, is designed for global applications while the Wirepas Mesh Sub-GHz supports 865-868 MHz for Indian market. In addition, Wirepas Connectivity Suite features an open SDK supporting multiple radio chipsets, a wireless mesh stack implementation, a gateway software and an AMI reference application for Network Interface Card (NIC) implementing the India smart metering standard IS15959.

Wirepas Connectivity Suite mesh profiles for smart metering

Transform your Smart Metering

Wirepas Network Management System is the game changer for massive-scale electricity metering. Our extensive software package for Advanced Metering Infrastructures (AMI) is designed to support large-scale smart metering deployments, providing utilities and service providers with robust, scalable tools for rapid rollouts and hassle-free maintenance. If that’s your game, go ahead and see how well Wirepas Mesh and Smart Metering work together.

Smart Metering scene.png
Smart Metering scene.png
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